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Post reply Index / Star Wars - The Old Republic / Datacrons - Balmorra Post reply
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Quote Private message Subject: Datacrons - Balmorra    Posted: 2012-01-24 09:06:06



Gorinth Canyon - Strength +
Location. Gorinth Canyon
Coordinates. X:726, Y: 2033
Go to (718, 1860) and follow the path past the World Boss ‘Grandfather’ back through the rocks to reach this datacron.

Gorinth Canyon - Green Matrix Shard
Location. Gorinth Canyon
Coordinates. X: -504, Y: 2000
You will find it in the Neebray Warehouse and can retrieve it only if you choose Imperial class. To reach it, go the fast southwest corner of the Gorinth Canyon map and look for a cave complex at (-472, 1929).

Look for an elevator at the rear of the complex and go down this elevator. On the bottom level, you will find this datacron but you need another player.

Two players must activate the ‘Shield Control’ panels to the right and left, and get the timing right top unlock the door and retrieve it.

Tip. If you touch the panel when the targeting reticule is activate, you will be able to unlock the door.

Balmorran Arms Factory - Cunning +
Location. Balmorran Arms Factory
Coordinates. X: 1851, Y: 112
Go to far north of Sundari Flatlands and through the Balmorran Arms Factory at (1297, 728) player position, (1594, 723) cursor position.

Once you are at the Power Center, head to the east, get in to the water, and follow the shoreline to the datacron.

Markaran Plains - Aim +
Location. Markaran Plains
Coordinates. X: -1018, Y: 1517
From the main level of the droid factory go to the far west elevator that leads to the Assembly line group area. Go down the elevator and in the group area. Look for the droid conveyors and drop down onto the first one to the right, then down onto the floor.

Inside the nearest conveyor support pillar at (-1023, 1515) is an opening shaft-way that drops down onto the pipe that holds the datacron. It’s the second conveyor north of the passage you entered into the conveyor room.

Bugtown - Willpower +
Location. Bugtown
Coordinates. X: 191, Y: -344
Drop down into the water and head east to the vendor at player position (673, 36). Buy ‘Lost Code Cylinder’ for 5000 credits.

Go to ‘Space Chest’ on the north side of the broken bridge at the coördinates given above. Open it and loot to retrieve the datacron.

[Edited: 2012-01-24 09:38:08 by Knalli]
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